What Motivates You?

Everyone is motivated by something. Even a lazy man can be motivated if you put enough fire under him. A story is told about a man who fell into a freshly dug grave one evening. It was too deep for him to climb out, so he decided to wait until morning for help. Later that night, an old drunk came staggering through the cemetery and fell into the same grave. He jumped and jumped but could not get out. Finally, the first man said, “Just wait until morning, and we’ll get out together.” At that, the drunkard was able to jump out immediately. Everyone can be motivated!

What is it that gets you out of bed and off to work? What helps you press on when fatigue sets in? Anyone with character has something driving them. What motivates you?

The apostle Paul was a motivated man. In Romans 1:14-17, he revealed what kept him going, even through disappointment. He first said, “I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise...” People with good character can’t sleep well when they know they are in debt. They understand their personal obligation to pay off their debt rather than continue to incur more. Paul was saying, Because of what Jesus Christ has done for me, I have an obligation to tell others (1 Corinthians 9:16; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15). It would be like a cancer patient finding the cure for cancer and having it on hand to help others. If he had good character, he would want to use it to help others. His desire to offer people a cure would outweigh any desire for personal gain.

Paul knew that the remedy for man’s sin was Jesus Christ—not sacraments, rituals, or religion, but a personal relationship with Him! In Romans 1:15, he said, “So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you at Rome also.” He was moved by the need of sinful humanity! This is the behavior of compassionate people. They cannot sit idly by when they have the ability to help. The needs of others move them to action! Are there people you care enough about to get you out of bed and off to work? Are there people you care enough about to motivate you to live right and honor God?

Paul was also driven by his love for the Lord Jesus Christ—love is the greatest motivator! In verse 16, Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Paul’s loyalty to Christ stemmed from his understanding of His power. He knew change was possible for even the most depraved person if they would just believe in Christ. He knew this by experience, and it moved him to gratitude—a gratitude that would not let him remain still. Has anyone ever done a kind deed for you that made you want to express your gratitude? If so, that is how Paul felt. It motivated him to honor the Lord.

A man once told a story about how, as a boy, he was saved from drowning by an older man. He told the stranger, “My father has money. Can I repay you?” The stranger replied, “Son, just make your life worth the saving.” That boy was Winston Churchill.

What motivates you reveals much about your heart!
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